Welcome at the Prince's Desert
Welcome to you all, this place, this website, is my playground, a place where you can see all of my work, a sort of gallery. Don't take this website too seriously, though, I just want to use it as a storage for the thousands of pieces that I make every day. Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Desert Prince (my artist name) and Saïd Alic, a young artist who lives in Switzerland, the country of cheese, chocolate and super expensive train. My art started when-- when, well I don't remember, I always did art and will always, back then I started to draw with everything that could put a mark on paper. Then during my adolescence, I got more serious with art, deciding to make it my purpose in life, my career, so I drew, I drew so much, had all sorts of pains in my body. But I enjoyed every second of it. Back to nowadays, I am now a rookie professional artist (meaning that I make money off of it). What kind of art do I do ? Well, mostly comics, manga and BD. I draw those things because I like 'em, and I grew up reading ComicBook, manga and BD.
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